The Different Faces of Landon

Over the past couple of weeks Landon has become quite a character. He has started to make so many different faces that we started to name them and have tried to capture them all on camera. Here are the ones we got so far:

"The Low Look"

This look is primarily used to let us know we are doing something dumb. He also does it sometimes when he is starting to get tired. One of us is usually telling the other, "He just gave me the low look."

"The Tongue"
This look is often used to express anger and it is always accompanied with a loud grunting noise. It is mostly used when Amy puts him down, and he disapproves.

"The Thinker"
This look is all about the many teeth Landon is starting to get, but we also think he is way smart. He is obviously planning something big.

"We tied England"
Landon has joined me in the "World Cup Fever." We have an allegiance to the USA, but we are rooting for Argentina, and the Netherlands (and maybe some Spain too).

"The Gerber Baby"
This is right after a nice big meal. Wouldn't you want this face on your baby food jars?

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